In order to become a security officer or security guard in the state of Indiana, both the armed and unarmed security guard must be certified in the State of Indiana to be able to work in the security sector.
With regards to the unarmed security officer license, the applicant applying for an unarmed security license must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have a high school diploma or an equivalency certification
- Proof must be provided of legal U.S. citizenship or residency
- The applicant will undergo drug testing
- The applicant will be finger printed
- The applicant must have no criminal convictions which includes misdemeanors as well as felonies
- The applicant must submit to an FBI style background check
If all of these preliminary specifications have been satisfied, the security officer candidate must undergo a minimum level of security officer training. This instruction should be made available from a facility that is accredited by the Indiana Department of Public Safety.
The required training curriculum includes the following subjects:
- Legal and ethical issues
- Professionalism with the public
- Effective communications
- Detainment methods
- Emergency preparedness (reporting to law enforcement in emergency or criminal situations)
- Medical emergencies including CPR
The training course is designed to enable the unarmed security guard to appropriately manage everyday scenarios and emergency situations with certainty, until law enforcement officials or fire officials arrive.
*Note: The armed or unarmed security guard may also be asked to have a valid Indiana driver’s license for some types of security employment.
In order to become an armed security guard, the same minimum requirements must be met as that of the armed security officer. There are additional requirements for this enhanced license however, which are as follows:
- The applicant for an Indiana armed security guard license must be at least 21 years of age
- The applicant must also complete additional weapons and firearms training that includes marksmanship, shooting range training and firearm’s safety.
Once issued, the armed security officer permit can be retained only by completing a refresher training course every 12 months.
need to know who to contact to get proper requirements met.
I need a good paying job. I have always been interested in security work.
All you have to do is apply to all companies and hope they contact you. Look up your state codes to see if they have special requirements. Indiana requirements are basic. Have a clean record, be legal to work and be of age.
Requirements for what exactly, in what state?
All of these articles are the same. Giving out incorrect information IC-25-30 is Agency licensing only. In the state of Indiana. Finger printing is not necessary. Only the agency is required to be license. The guards are not, unless you are armed. All you have to do is look up the different agencies in your area and apply to them all. some require experience, most don’t. they claim to, but don’t.
I sure do.
Many thanks1
I have a current concealed carry license from Florida. I have also worked as a member of the VOICE unit of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office in Fort Myers, Florida. I also completed the Florida Security Officer training course in 2013.
Do I need to retake a security Officer class now that I am living in Indiana. I had an Indiana concealed Carry license back in 1968/69